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Aurora Recreation Community Center Current Status  UPDATED 11.19.20


With the most recent Governor’s Mandate, and Dearborn County’s movement into red status, the ARCC has made a few modifications.


  • We ask that our customers and staff wear a mask in all common areas, masks may still be removed while exercising.

  • The ARCC has stepped up it’s employee disinfection schedule to help keep surfaces clean, and reduce customer exposure.  With that, everyone is responsible for reducing their own exposure, and the most effective methods are social distancing and wearing masks.

  • We ask that our customers disinfect their equipment after use, we recommend that they disinfect prior to use.

  • Senior Classes are suspended when Dearborn County is in Red, they will resume when our status moves to Orange or below.

  • Regular Group Fitness Classes will be able to continue, with social distancing in place.

  • Room limits will be imposed to allow for maximum social distancing, limits are posted on the entrance to all rooms.

  • ARCC Recreation leagues will be able to continue, with no spectators to reduce exposure.

  • Volleyball Youth Clinics will continue.  We will allow one parent/guardian with each player, but if possible, we ask for them to not attend, to allow for less exposure.  All parents that do attend will need to sit in marked locations, spaced, with masks.

  • We are asking our customers to self-assess before attending the ARCC for any purpose, and in the event that they are experiencing fever, cough, or shortness of breath, to please not attend out of caution.

  • We are also asking that our employees self-assess and in the event that they are experiencing anything that might be symptoms, not come in.  With our limited staff, this might create times when we are not able to allow for Day Pass use, as our priority with staffing will be processing memberships, and keeping the facility disinfected.  We will post on the door when we are experiencing a staff shortage.  We apologize in advance for any inconvenience that might arise from this.



We realize that some of our members are going to need to reduce their exposure, and we have created a process to suspend their membership.  We have created vouchers for our members to re-claim their membership time that they will not be able to use, due to Covid caution.  Members are able to call in, and we will mail their voucher to them.  It will be the member’s responsibility to keep track of their voucher.


We thank you for your vigilance and understanding.  We are happy to remain open at this point.  Our hope is that we can remain open, if everyone works together to stay safe and healthy.

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